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Showing posts from October, 2017

Ban The English Word 'PARIAH' as a Racial/Ethnic Slur !

LETTER TO HONBL'E THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A. TO DECLARE THE WORD 'PARIAH'AS A ETHNIC/RACIAL SLUR ----------------------------------------------------------------- President Obama: Ban The English Word ‘Pariah’ As A Ethnic Slur On Indians !               If there is one English word that keeps hurting the feelings of a large community of aborigine  Indian people , it is definitely the word 'pariah' which is used in the most insulting,swearing and derisive sense,throughout the world.                  The word   'pariah'refers to the so-called 'untouchables ' the low-caste people of India,  around 260 million strong,suffering for thousands of years under the bondage of the despicable Caste System. British Role In Popularising The Word           While the origin of the use of this word as a derisive word  is from the Indian Caste System, it is the British who are responsible for including this word  in the English dictionaries. Wikipedia say