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Clean India Campaign--An Easy Biblical Solution !


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Those of you who have read the Holy Bible would know that it contains solutions not only for spiritual problems, but also for all practical problems of daily living. In the Old Testaments, Moses frees around 20 lac Israelites ,from the bonds of 400 years of slavery in Egypt and led them to Canaan, the land promised by God to them .Canaan is part of the present day Israel . The great historic  journey of 20 lac Israelites from Egypt to Canaan took  40 long years though the undulating deserts of the Middle East.This journey is covered in detail in the book of Exodus in the Holy Bible.

The Logistics Of The Movement Of 20 Lac People !

         Imagine 20 lac people moving across day and night through the scorching deserts.There were 6 lac men and around 12 lac women and children ,their cattle, household effects etc. The sheer logistics of  food,shelter and other needs of such a moving mass, is mind -boggling. Bible says, Prophet Moses received God’s instructions periodically on every small matter relating to the expedition. And that included excretion as well!

God’s Instructions On ‘Relieving’

            The average gross excreta for 20 lac people would  have been  a staggering 20,00,000 x 0. 5 kg = 1000 Metric Tons per day! Where would you dispose off all the nasty stuff? The entire area would be stinking!But Chapter Deut. 23.12 to 14 of the Holy Bible contains God’s wise instructions in the matter.God says” Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. 13 As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. 14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you”

                        God is not suggesting  toilets! But a clean ,easy and practical way towards a clean camping area!Even now we know dogs and cats practice this method while excreting.This ,sure is the easiest and most practical way for the rural India,till all households can afford toilets. Urban areas may not fit into this plan  as spotting land might be difficult.                                                                                                            


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