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Mumbai Fire Tragedy-Who actually is the culprit?

                                                                   (Image Credit-DNA India)
The 29th 'birthday' of  a cute young girl Kushboo Bhansali unfortunately turned out to be the 'last day'of her life, in an unexpected fire mishap that occurred last week in  Mumbai.When she blew the lit candles on that fateful night ,little would she have thought about her ensuing end,She wouldn't have realised that her life was going to be snuffed out in a few minutes later.Such a tragic birthday party, killing 14 people trapped by the towering inferno that started off with a little fire.(Mumbai Fire)
                      Accidents,mishaps,disasters are not new to Mumbai ,the sprawling metropolis and financial capital of India.The memory of 22 people  killed recently in the Elphistone Bridge accident in September 2017 remains fresh in the minds of Mumbaikars only to be overshadowed by this fire mishap now.It appears that new tragedies occur as if to erase memories of old tragedies.Let us pray that this mishap shall be the last to devastate the busy Mumbaikars.
The Etiology of Such Mishaps
                                                   The moment any such accident occurs,it becomes a tasty fodder for the TV Media to exploit the situation to their favour.TRP potential of such tragedies attract the media's attention more than the suffering involved in such mishaps.The media turn the anger of the public towards the so-called'apathy of authorities,lapses on the part of licencing officials,lack of enforcement machinery' etc.Media,thus adds fuel to the fire than attempt ameliorative measures for the affected, in a situation that calls more for help than reviews..The occasion is used to settle scores or show the muscles, by using provocative judgmental hashtags against authorities  like #SackMumbaiBosses etc.An'accident'is cleverly portrayed as something like a pre-meditated murder by the civic authorities!The media go on repeating the rhetoric to such a level,people are led to believe that proper licences would prevent accidents!True,safety measures do reduce the risks involved but accidents do take place despite best safety measures.The worst part of the media campaign is the attribution of 'mens-rea' to the licencing authorities which is against the principles of jurisprudence.Levels of 'mens-rea'differ between 'murder','culpable homicide' and' accidental death'.If a civic authority approves a violation in safety rules,he might be punishable for that lapse but NOT FOR A RESULTANT ACCIDENTAL DEATH.If the law is otherwise all road accidents can be directly attributed to civic authorities in someway or other.
                                       Are the civic authorities solely responsible for such accidents?Are all others clean from such charges of negligence?Are people alone to be blamed?Or is there some invisible factor which is mainly responsible for such accidents?Let us examine.
Disorderliness is Part of Indian DNA !
                                                                   When Vijay Goel trespassed into prohibitted zones of the Olympic village,India Opines published an article supporting his behaviour!'Why blame Vijay Goel for his Olympic behaviour?'was the title of the article.(Vijay Goel's Olympics)
The argument in the article goes like this:
"One of my friends  working in an African nation, was narrating an incident that happened in that country.  Once he was waiting  to see a doctor for  consultation and was standing in a queue. He came to know that the one who was standing in front of him in the queue was none other than the Chief Justice of the country! As an Indian he was shocked to know that the Honb’le Chief Justice of the country was waiting in the queue,just like a common man! That’s impossible in a country like India where even the District Magistrate does not stand in the queue but has the Doctor visits his home!My friend was full of praise for the Chief Justice for his humility.
             I corrected him by telling him that it is not the Chief Justice who is to be praised but the country’s culture of treating everyone equal,that is to be praised. Since there is no provision for special treatment in the country’s culture  for any one, even if he is the CJ,there is no question of the Chief Justice thinking about special treatment at all.So it is a country’s culture of equality that is to be praised and not him. My friend understood my point.                                                                                                                                                                 Now India’s Sports Minister has been charged with violating rules and expecting special privileges in the Rio Olympic village.On a similar analogy,let us understand that’s he is not to be blamed for his expectations as it is quite common for VIPs to jump the queues and not follow rules in India.So if you want to blame ,instead of blaming him,blame India’s ‘Caste culture’ that is the root  of affording special privileges to the some castes/people. India’s ‘ caste culture’ gives special privileges/entitlements according to one’s caste. So  separate queues for special category is quite common in India. In the famous Tirupati temple, if you are  VIP you are allowed to worship the Lord through a separate door  that leads straight to the Lord!"UNQUOTE
Culture Is The Driving Force !
                                                           When a road accident victim screams for help,an average American citizen rushes to help or at least call Emergency Ambulance.Help arrives fast ,be it Singapore,Europe or even under developed nations of Africa.Here in India,an average Indian either ignores the scream or sometimes steal his credit card exploiting the situation!
                         It's not the 'law'that drives a person to act like this but it's the country's caste culture that rules his mindset.The country's culture is shaped primarily by the ruling  values of the caste system of inequality .Caste System prohibits helping low castes even if they bleeding to death in front of one's eyes.In the absence of caste identity tag on the victim,why take risk of saving a low caste victim?So,moving off as if 'I didn't see' is a better option,than dare touching an untouchable!
                        Disobeying law,disorderliness,finding short cuts to bypass rules ,blaming others but not looking at one's own faults,apathy toward fellow citizens etc.are essential part of our caste system.
Together We Lose !
                                       While some  Americans may practice discrimination against African Americans,together they form team and win the most number of medals in the Olympics.But,we Indians form teams based on caste and not merit,ending up losing the game.Together we Indians have successfully converted our national capital Delhi ,a place unfit to breathe !We Indians are taught to blame others but not correct ourselves.In 'Clean India' campaign,the Government does not want you to be clean,it wants you to TELL AND MONITOR OTHERS;RIDICULE THEM IF THEY ARE UNCLEAN!So,the 1300 million Indians will be keen on finding other unclean souls while they can secretly shit in the open!The campaign should be'You should change first!'Lack of civic sense ,again is part of the caste system.Caste System expects higher castes to litter public spaces freely and lower castes to clean it dutifully!
Are Indians Averse to Law?
                                                          Are Indians basically anarchists?Are they averse to obeying 'law'?No!But the Caste System grants 'law-proof' status to one caste and extreme punishment to another caste of people.This attitude is ingrained in every Indian's mind strongly.Indian rulers openly flout the nation's law and set an example to others.'Rule of Law'is never allowed to prevail.So,if at all licences are granted without complying with rules,that's what the system encourages one to do.So,we need to blame the Caste System that grants immunity from law for the elite .There is no point blaming the person/persons alone for the acts of commission or omission,thereby shielding the real culprit.
Carelessness Is Part of Culture!
                                                                 Every year a few children fall into open holes ,left open after drilling a shaft for bore-well.Some are saved by Herculean efforts,some die but Indians never close the hole!In Tamil Nadu,electricians work without gloves on their hands!If you tell them ,their usual reply would be'I'm not scared!Nothing will happen!'But ,often their hope gets belied and they die.Their bosses may forgive their lapses but electricity doesn't!Moreover,maintenance of equipment  is not a part of Indian culture while for foreigners ,it's a periodic necessity. Crossing Indian roads is a challenge that no Olympic gold winner would dare to take!Such a chaotic traffic and no one complains about it! We are used to it!
No One in India Feels Wrong!
                                                             Once I shouted at a driver coming against me in a one-way lane.'It's not my fault'he said.The usual lane is closed.What can he do?Why usual lane is closed?Because the Minister is on a visit!Why the Minister is on a visit?Because his relative is getting married!So,every one has a justification which he considers as right.Hence every one feels that he is right,but no one is right after all,as every one is violating law.But,every one can conveniently blame others for his fault!And this attitude becomes part of the culture.
Reveal The Real Reason! 
                                                    As long as the media suppresses the fact that the real reason behind all these genre of accidents has to do more with our culture than persons involved,the situation will not change.People should be made aware of it every time an accident occurs ,so that they regret and change themselves.This,of course is a slow process but will eventually change the culture of carelessness.That does not mean civic authorities are not at all responsible and had to be let free.Due action for non-compliance of rules should be carried out.


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